August 29th 2015: Cricket Club Fun Day – MEG Cake Stall and Fun Dog Show
With huge extra help from last minute helpers, June, Yvette and Bev, MEG ran a very successful Cake Stall and Fun Dog show at the Livingston Cricket Club Fun Day. Huge thanks also to all those who donated cakes and baking to sell on the day. Thanks to all who came along, bought cakes and entered dogs for the show. Amazing day. We raised £364.60 today. Thanks to everyone who bought cakes & entered the dog show – a big thank-you from MEG.
August 2015: RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood report
MEG are delighted to have been awarded another top rank “Outstanding” award for Campbridge Park and the Murieston Trail. You can read the full report here.
July 18th 2015: Volunteer day
With the weather not in our favour for doing the planned painting of benches and signs, we still pressed ahead with other activities. Huge thanks to all who came along, despite the drizzle. We had a team of ten in total. We significantly improved the boardwalk by adding new support posts. We also nailed down somoe of the loose boards. We had helpers doing litter picks along the trail and around the pond, lopping low branches above the paths. We also ventured in to the water to collect logs, bottles cans and other litter out of the pond. The planned painting will be completed another day when the weather is more favourable!
June 18th 2015: Bandstand arson makes front page news in West Lothian Courier
May 23rd 2015: Pond Cleanup
MEG committee members were out again on a very sunny morning down at, and in, Campbridge Pond. We cleared out litter and logs from the pond itself. We also collected litter from around the pond and cleaned away leaves from the boardwalks and steps.
March 16th 2015: Toad Rescue!
MEG and Lothian Amphibian and Reptile Group (LARG) were out with volunteers around Campbridge Pond and along Murieston Road this evening rescuing toads and newts that get stuck down drains and against kerbstones at this time of year as they move toward the pond. Thanks to everyone who ventured out in the cold (and snow!) tonight. There were over a dozen of us which was fantastic. We found just a small selection of toads and palmate newts, that we rescued from drains and took to the safety of the pond, but it’s likely to be later in the week when they really get on the move, as the weather warms up. Check our Facebook Page and YouTube channel for photos and videos!