Fish in the classroom 2020: Bright Horizons nursery
Bright Horizons Livingston Nursery Preschool children were very excited again this year when we got our fish eggs delivered to us by Forth Fisheries trust. The programme for the children is supported my MEG and funded by our local Co-op.
The children in preschool helped look after them daily by continuing to keep the water temperature low using the thermometer attached and replacing the frozen water containers daily while exploring the life cycle of the fish eggs as they hatched into alevins then into fry. Once the brown trout nearly reached the juvenile stage, they were ready to be released. The Preschool children along with the Toddlers and Two’s children from the nursery walked down to the river at the Murieston trail along with two representatives from Forth Fisheries Trust helped us to release our fish.
The children also had the opportunity to take part in a pond dipping activity to explore what minibeasts lived within the river, they loved using the microscopes and identification sheets to match up the different minibeasts they spotted.
This was a very beneficial and informative activity for the children to learn first hand all about the life cycle of brown trout.